Jag fick ett mycket trevlig mejl i inkorgen:
I’m getting a lot of “thank you” from [the customer] for delivering this content on time and I can only pass it on to you because it is YOU that made it possible: “We all appreciate the extra time and stress that it took to get all of the re-synced content translated and completed. Not only that, but the HOME PAGE content. That is huge. So thank you very much for all of your effort around this. This is the not the final note of gratitude to you all, but this particular handoff was crucial!”
Detta är alltid välkommet, såklart. Så fortsätt att skicka beröm, inte bara till mig, utan till alla dessa människor där ute som du är beroende av på något sätt. Låt berömmet flöda!
It’s nice to know your hard work is appreciated.
It is indeed. I am currently with my e-crime novel (Swedish only) at the Book Fair, and it is nice to hear people appreciate my readings out of it.